• Due Sep 13, 2016 at 6pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 1
  • Available after Sep 6, 2016 at 6pm
  • Time Limit None


GROUP_ANALYSIS.pngAnswer the questions by reflecting upon your experience in your group. Keep in mind group dynamics. Remember that you are analyzing HOW you worked together, not what you did together. 

You may want to review the following to help you with your analysis:

You will be graded along the following guidelines:

The answer given shows that the student understands the question being asked = up to 5 points 

The answer is a description that answered the questions: Who? What? Where? When? = up to 2 points

The description shows some sociological and/or anthropological knowledge = 1 point

The answer includes an analysis that answered the questions: How? (process) and/or Why? (motivation or reasoning) = 1 point

The analysis is sociological and/or anthropological in nature = 1 point



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