Course Syllabus

ENGLISH 100 Section # 2001

Fall 2021

Aug 30 -Dec 19

Mondays Bldg N-225

11:00 a.m. to 1:20 p.m.



Brenda Vigil (Professor "B")



I can be reached fastest during this course via email at Please call me “Professor B” and compose all emails using a proper salutation, body and closing. This is a writing class, so we will practice professional letter writing when communicating in emails. Don't be afraid to ask questions in class, after class or by emailing me directly if you're lost or unclear about something. I do respond, and I want you to succeed in completing the assignments.

Missing Class/Assignments

If you miss class, it is your responsibility to check the Modules link to see the day's assignments and due dates. All work is expected to be completed on time regardless of personal situations going on. A death in the family, family emergencies, being sick, or a hospitalization does not excuse you from doing an assignment. If something interferes with you completing classwork for an extended period of time (more than a week or two), please contact the Registrar's office for information about formally Withdrawing from class.

If you have technology issues, the Help Desk (800-630-7563) can take care of them for you. 

Electronic Devices

Cell phones and/or any other electronic devices are not allowed to be used during class time unless specifically directed by the instructor to do so. They should be set on vibrate so they do not disrupt class and put away in backpacks, purses, or pockets.

Course Description

English 100 is a writing-intensive course designed to strengthen college-level writing skills, with particular attention to audience, purpose, and context for writing. Students receive extensive background in strategies of planning, drafting, and revising. Research primary and/or secondary is introduced as a means by which students can extend their own understanding through the use of outside resources. Additionally, critical reading and thinking strategies are developed. Extra assistance with English writing skills (grammar, sentence structure, usage, and punctuation) is provided. Students who successfully complete ENG 100 with a grade of C- or higher will satisfy the Eng 101 requirement and will be eligible to enroll in ENG 102. Prerequisite: English Placement Test or completion of ENG 098 or ESL 139 with a grade of C- or higher. 

There are no required extra-, or co-curricular activities for this course. There are no special safety risks. There are no post-registration fees assessed.


Course Objectives

  • Identify purpose, audience, and rhetorical situation
  • Read and analyze academic sources
  • Use a process approach to compose complete, coherent, and well-developed thesis-driven essays.
  • Locate, evaluate, and integrate information sources
  • Employ appropriate documentation to support research-based essays.
  • Control conventions of language, mechanics, and MLA format



  • Lunsford, Andrea. Let's Talk: A Pocket Rhetoric. W W NORTON, 2021.

ENG100 new book.jpg 


Attendance and Participation: 

80% of Success is Showing Up, according to Woody Allen, and I support the idea. I have an attendance sheet that must be signed each class period. Arriving/leaving more than 15 minutes late/early will lose you points. Active participation is also expected in this class and is determined by contributing to discussions, participating fully in peer reviews, completing assignments, and submitting essays on time. 



Instructors are not able to withdraw students from a course. If you wish to withdraw, please do so using MyCSN to contact the Registrar's office before the withdrawal deadline.


CSN Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement and current Disability Resource Center (DRC) Contact Information

The College of Southern Nevada is committed to making physical facilities and instructional programs accessible to students with disabilities. If you have a disability that may have some impact on your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC) so that such accommodations can be considered. All discussions will remain confidential. The DRC has offices on all three campuses. These serve as the focal point for coordination of services for students with disabilities. If you have a physical, emotional, or mental disability that “substantially limits one or more major life activities (including walking,

seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working),” and will require accommodation in this class, please contact the DRC at West Charleston 702–651–5644, or email at or at North Las Vegas 702–651–4045, or email at or at Henderson 702–651–3795 , or email at For Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services contact the DRC using 702–651–4448, or email at Any student who receives an accommodation letters from the DRC, please meet with me to discuss the provisions of those accommodations as soon as possible.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers short-term, problem-focused counseling to CSN students who may feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of college, work, family, and relationships. Clinicians are available to help students cope with stresses and personal issues that may interfere with their ability to perform in school. The service is provided confidentially and free to currently enrolled students. To schedule an appointment, please call CAPS at West Charleston 702–651–5518, or at North Las Vegas 702–651–4099, or at Henderson 702 –651–3099.

Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Pertaining to CSN Policies and Services

When you choose to become a student at CSN, you accept the rights and responsibilities of membership in CSN’s academic and social community. You can find policies covering students such as the Student Conduct, Students’ Right to Know, Students’ Academic Integrity, and Disruptive and Abusive Student in the following locations:

Catalog and Student Handbook: in the Policies and Procedures section and the CSN Website: under the heading “Student Policies.”

Early Alert Referral Program

Early Alert Referral Program (MyCoyotePLAN) – A referral program to connect students with college resources when assistance is needed to achieve success. Referrals may

be initiated by faculty and staff as well by students through MyCoyotePLAN. After a referral is submitted, students will receive an email notification and will be contacted by the department to which they were referred to offer assistance.

Safety Procedures

Approved classroom safety procedures are posted in each classroom and are to be followed. Students are to familiarize themselves with the nearest exit to use during fire alarm exercises. Do NOT use the elevators during these drills. Students will take ALL personal belongings with them when exiting the building. No student will be allowed back into the facility until the all clear is given.

Public Health Directives (COVID-19)

Students must follow all active CSN public health directives while enrolled in this class, such as properly worn face coverings when required in classrooms as well as inside campus buildings. CSN public health directives are found at Students who do not comply with these directives will be asked to leave the classroom. Refusal to follow the guidelines may result in further disciplinary action according to the CSN Student Conduct Code, including being dropped from the course.

Policy on Objectionable Materials

Some students may find some material presented in class to be objectionable. The instructor has the discretion to choose to remove it or not.

Academic Advising

Academic Advisors help students assess academic strengths and limitations, learn academic success strategies, explore careers, declare a major, navigate the educational system, access campus and community resources, and connect to campus life. Contact Information: Charleston Campus: Building D – Student Services Area : 702–651–5670, North Las Vegas Campus: Student Services Area : 702–651–4049, Henderson Campus: Building B – Room 120 : 702–651–3165.

TRIO Student Support Services

One stop shop for first-generation college, financial aid-eligible and disabled students offering tutoring, academic advising, career exploration, college-transfer assistance, and development of college success strategies. Contact information: North Las Vegas Campus: Building E Room 109 : 702–651–4441 or

Canvas Computer Instructions & Technology Help Desk

The Canvas Student Quick start Guide be found at The entire Student Guide may be found at Telephone Support for Distance Education students having problems logging into a course, using course web site tools, or other technical problems can be found by contacting the CSN Technology Help Desk locally at 702–651–4357, or via 1-800–630–7563 toll-free, 24 hours/day, 7 days/week.

Centers for Academic Success

Centers for Academic Success (CAS) provides quality DROP-IN academic assistance to all students enrolled in for-credit courses at CSN. Tutors are available for most general education courses and some historically challenging courses. Academic learning support includes assistance with learning strategies, Canvas, Smarthinking online tutoring, Microsoft Office, reading, writing, oral presentations, math, and science. CAS tutors also provide support to study groups and assistance for placement test preparation. CAS is open Monday through Sunday to be more accessible to all students. Hours for all locations are Monday – Thursday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Friday – Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. You may visit for more details about online and in-person services. You may also contact us at one of our offices: Charleston Centers 702–651–5732, North Las Vegas Learning Commons 702–651–4232, Henderson Learning Commons 702–651–3125.

CSN Libraries Support

CSN Libraries provides support for students completing assignments that require research and the use of information. Librarians are available to students for one-on-one assistance locating and citing quality information either online or at one of our campus libraries. Find more information on our website


Assignments are evaluated based on demonstration of course and assignment objectives. Course grades are determined by the percentage of total course points earned.

Course Grading Scale

A 93-100%

A- 90-92%

B+ 86-89%

B 83-85%

B- 80-82%

C+ 76-79%

C 73-75%

C- 70-72%

D+ 66-69%

D 63-65%

D- 60-62%

F 0-59%

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Policy:

Please make yourself familiar with the CSN’s Student Academic Integrity Policy ( will be zero tolerance for plagiarism and cheating. Copying and pasting from the Internet or paraphrasing a few words is not an acceptable practice in college. Not knowing the rules for plagiarism will not be an acceptable excuse. If you are unsure about what it is and is not plagiarism, you can learn more about it by speaking to staff at a CSN campus writing center or library or consulting the CSN Library Services’ Plagiarism guide: The minimum sanction for plagiarism is an F on the particular assignment; repeated offenses carry an F for the class as the minimum penalty.

Due Dates

All assignments are to be completed by the scheduled date. Finish assignments before 11:30 pm to assure they get posted. Students are encouraged to submit assignments before the deadline for maximum success. No extra credit is given in this class.

Do not rely on reminders from Canvas for assignment due dates. Use your own reminders in your phone, laptop calendar etc. instead of, or in addition to, Canvas. Check the Modules to make sure you know when things are due.

Essays can be turned in up to 3 days late, but they lose one letter grade. 

Assignment Breakdown:

Chapter Journal Posts: Students are required to read assigned chapters and create journal entries about the content of each chapter.

Essay Writing: You will be writing 4 essays in this class. 3 of them will require sources and all will be in MLA Format. 

Peer Review: You will peer review 2 of the essays assigned. 

Rough Draft Feedback: You will write your rough drafts and get them reviewed by CAS or Smart Thinking before submitting a final draft.

Quiz:  One overall semester quiz

Contents of this course, the syllabus, and assignment manual are subject to change with notice as necessary to accommodate the particular needs of a class.


There are no recordings of the class allowed without the explicit permission of the instructor.

Services and Resources


Academic Coaching

Academic Integrity

Career Services





Financial Aid

Library Workshops

Persuasive Essay Thesis Builder


Student Rights/Responsibilities

Tutorial Services

Veterans Services

Writing Center


Course Summary:

Date Details Due